tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-309080452024-03-06T23:03:41.943-08:00Sequence-PointsRandom ramblings of a retarded mindRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.comBlogger31125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-82167193372494723532015-12-24T12:18:00.002-08:002015-12-29T19:59:26.744-08:00<content type="html"><div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <span style="font-size: large;">Issue with LG Web OS based TV/Remote.</span><br /> <span style="font-size: large;"><br /></span> We had a brand new LG OLED TV(55EF9500) and our remote stopped working suddenly. Even the iPhone App which uses Wifi stopped working. Power cycling the TV/remote etc didn't work. After calling LG we were told to re-pair the remote using the shortcut key of Home + Back for 5 seconds. This also failed with a message saying <b>Bluetooth not initialized. </b>Having built firmwares before I kind of knew what was happening and was trying to find a key shortcut to fully factory reset the TV. ( I still can't find and if someone knows this, do let me know ). I knew there was an option in the Web OS setting menu but was unable to get to it without the remote not working.<br /> <br /> The TV is stunning in all aspects including there are no keys/buttons on the TV itself!<br /> <br /> While I was searching for a USB stick to download the firmware from LG.com and updating the TV I finally stumbled upon a post which mentioned about buttons behind the LG logo at the bottom of the TV. Voila! there was a click-wheel like button behind the LG Logo at the bottom-middle on which you can scroll/click and use the TV fully!<br /> <br /> With that button I was able to navigate to the menu in the settings page under General -&gt; Factory Default/Reset and reset the TV to its factory initial settings. After that I had to power cycle the remote itself and the remote worked!.<br /> <br /> So yeah remember the LG logo at the bottom of the TV if everything else fails.</div> </content><link rel="replies" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://sequence-points.blogspot.com/feeds/8216719337249472353/comments/default" title="Post Comments"/><link rel="replies" type="text/html" href="http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=30908045&postID=8216719337249472353" title="0 Comments"/><link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://www.blogger.com/feeds/30908045/posts/default/8216719337249472353"/><link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="http://www.blogger.com/feeds/30908045/posts/default/8216719337249472353"/><link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="http://sequence-points.blogspot.com/2015/12/issue-with-lg-web-os-based-tvremote.html" title=""/><author><name>Ram</name><uri>http://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560</uri><email>noreply@blogger.com</email><gd:image rel="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#thumbnail" width="31" height="21" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2402/3323/320/Ram_earing.jpg"/></author><thr:total>0</thr:total></entry><entry><id>tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-5345936987103323188</id><published>2013-10-28T23:28:00.001-07:00</published><updated>2014-02-11T08:49:57.333-08:00</updated><title type="text">MacVim not working on Mavericks<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;"> MacVim has been broken on Mavericks as usual due to Apple breaking unused frameworks,directory structures like Perl,Java etc.<br /> The fix to get MacVim working before we get an official build on Mavericks is simple.<br /> <br /> </span> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;">/System/Library/Perl</span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;">sudo mkdir lib;sudo mkdir 5.10</span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 11.5px;">sudo cp /System/Library/Perl/5.16/darwin-thread-multi-2level/CORE/libperl.dylib ./lib/5.10</span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;">sudo chmod +rx ./lib; sudo chmod +rx ./lib/5.10</span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;"><br /></span> <span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: 12.5px;">Basically just copy over the&nbsp;</span></span><span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: x-small;">liberal</span><span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: 12.5px;">.dylib from some installed version to /System/Library/Perl/lib/5.10</span></span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: 12.5px;"><br /></span></span> <span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: 12.5px;">MacVim links against this location instead of just&nbsp;</span><span style="font-size: x-small;">libperl&nbsp;</span></span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: x-small;"><br /></span></span> <span style="font-family: Courier;"><span style="font-size: x-small;">Enjoy!</span></span><br /> <span style="font-family: Courier; font-size: 12.5px;"><br /></span></div> Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-69925796352665447282013-03-12T12:37:00.000-07:002013-03-14T11:53:28.417-07:00Automatic - Smart driving assistant<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Check out our product at <a href="http://www.automatic.com/">http://www.automatic.com</a> and connect your smart phone and your car. Upgrade your car seamlessly with the Automatic Link and the Automatic iPhone app.</div> Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-3222375050204409572011-07-15T23:40:00.000-07:002013-03-14T11:56:48.068-07:00MongoDB toLower()<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> I was trying to convert everything in my mongo collection to lower case. Iam not sure if there was a better way to do this but I got this to work in<br /> <br /> <pre> def ObjectId(id): return "ObjectId("+id+")" for entry in collection: temp = eval(str(entry).lower()) del temp["_id"] collection.update({"_id": entry["_id"], temp)</pre> <br /> Voila! Everything is converted into lowercase...In normal cases ObjectId() should be only function you need to define.<br /> <br /> Want to hack the future of connected cars ? <a href="http://www.automatic.com/team?sequence-points">http://www.automatic.com/team</a> </div> Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-35986030604043534292011-01-26T13:13:00.000-08:002011-01-26T13:16:13.003-08:00Android 3.0 EmulatorOne Word: Embarrassment!<br /><br />It orients itself in weird ways. Nothing works when clicked. Seems like some project manager in google just decided to release some sh** just to save his job.<br /><br />The below from the Android 3.0 SDK Page is the biggest understatement in recent Tech news. Bravo Google, good way to welcome Larry!<br /><br />"<br />About emulator performance<br /><br />Because the Android emulator must simulate the ARM instruction set architecture on your computer and the WXGA screen is significantly larger than what the emulator normally handles, emulator performance is much slower than usual.<br /><br />In particular, initializing the emulator can be slow and can take several minutes, depending on your hardware. When the emulator is booting there is limited user feedback, so please be patient and continue waiting until you see the home screen appear.<br /><br />We're working hard to resolve the performance issues in the emulator and it will improve in future releases. In the meantime, we wanted to give developers access to new APIs and an basic test environment as early as possible.<br /><br />Keeping in mind that performance on the emulator does not reflect the speed or performance of apps on actual devices running Android 3.0, developing and testing on the emulator is still an important tool in evaluating your application's appearance and functionality on the new platform. "Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-63736937649255791612011-01-24T00:32:00.000-08:002011-10-19T14:20:18.382-07:00Perl OAuth for YelpInstall Net::OAuth through CPAN<br /><br /><pre><br />perl -MCPAN -e 'install Net::OAuth';<br /><br />$request = Net::OAuth->request('protected resource')->new(<br /> consumer_key => 'CKEY',<br /> consumer_secret => 'CSECRET',<br /> token => 'TOKEN',<br /> token_secret => 'TSECRET',<br /> request_url => 'http://api.yelp.com/v2/search',<br /> request_method => 'GET',<br /> signature_method => 'HMAC-SHA1',<br /> timestamp => time,<br /> nonce => 'RANDOM CHARS'<br /> extra_params => {'term' =>'SEARCH TERM' , 'location' =>"SEARCH LOCATION'<br /> );<br />my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;<br /><br />$request->sign;<br />$res = $ua->request(GET $request->to_url);<br /><br /></pre><br /><br />You get back a JSON in the $res->{_content}<br /><br />Have Fun!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-40882061624125605902011-01-10T19:03:00.000-08:002011-01-10T19:05:19.495-08:00Moving and Relocation Inc, NJ - SCAMYou get an email with the name of A Professional Movers, NJ. They are supposedly based on Hackensack, NJ. They go by different names as they are professional scammers.<br /><br />Just search for "moving scam" in google and these guys are the best example of the same.Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-29604997177911391562010-12-23T22:57:00.000-08:002014-01-28T02:40:11.856-08:00Fun with ReferenceQueues and WeakReferences<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> Warning - Nerd Stuff!<br /> <br /> Some info on References in Java <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/ref/package-summary.html#reachability">http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/lang/ref/package-summary.html#reachability</a><br /> <br /> Here is a interesting scenario I ran into today. I want to create a Map&lt;K,V&gt; and I want to maintain a WeakReference to K. Furthermore I want to do something with V once K is only weakly reachable, say I want to call V.dispose(). Well we cant use a <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/WeakHashMap.html">WeakHashMap</a> because there seems to be no listener mechanism to get notified of Entries being removed [ something like <a href="http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/LinkedHashMap.html#removeEldestEntry%28java.util.Map.Entry%29">LinkedHashMap#removeEldestEntry</a> would have been good ]. We can create an regular HashMap and add wrap the keys in a WeakReference ourselves along with a ReferenceQueue [ after all this is what WeakHashMap does ] and have a thread reap the queue.<br /> <br /> <pre>HashMap&lt;WeakReference&lt;K&gt;,V&gt; hm; ReferenceQueue&lt;K&gt; queue; hm.put(new WeakReference&lt;K&gt;(k,queue),v); Later... WeakReference&lt;k&gt; wrk = queue.poll(); hm.get(wrk).dispose();</pre> <br /> This I guess is a standard pattern which works unless the following twist occurs: I also want to retrieve V from the map periodically and do something with V [ say <span style="font-style: italic;">V.changeColor() </span>] till the time K becomes weakly reachable. We cannot use <span style="font-style: italic;">hm.get(k)</span> nor can we do <span style="font-style: italic;">hm.get( new WeakReference(k,queue))</span> . We can iterate through the entire HashMap and do<br /> <pre>Iterator&lt;WeakReference&gt; iter = hm.keySet().iterator(); while(iter.hashNext()) { K k1 = iter.next().get(); if(k1 ==k); // or you do k1.equals(k) depending on what you want. }</pre> <br /> This is super slow for a large hashmap. So we need to use the HashMap as a HashMap always! So here is a tiny trick<br /> <pre></pre> <pre><ol style="text-align: left;"> <li>Create a custom class MyWeakReference that extends WeakReference. </li> <li>Modify the HashMap&lt;WeakReference&lt;K&gt;,V&gt; to be HashMap&lt;MyWeakReference,V&gt;.</li> <li>Override Object#hashCode() and Object#equals() in the MyWeakReference class.</li> <li>In the equals method return true if passed the same instance [ duh!] or else if both the referrents are not null return the equals() of the underlying referents. </li> <li>Return the hashCode of the refferent as the hashCode(). Make sure to cache&nbsp;thehashCode in the constructor. [ Dont do a get().hashCode() as WeakReferences&nbsp;are cleared "before" being added to the queue. ] </li> </ol> </pre> <pre></pre> <br /> The above is exactly how a WeakHashMap works but those 5 steps let you use a regular HashMap and not having to implement your own HashMap. Here is the code for the above<br /> <pre>class MyWeakReference&lt;K&gt; extends WeakReference&lt;K&gt; { private final int hashCode; public MyWeakReference(K k, ReferenceQueue<k> queue) { super(k,queue); hashCode = k.hashCode(); // Cache the hashCode! } /* * Do not do a get().hashCode() since we might call * HashMap.get() from the ReferenceQueue clearing *and at that point the reference would have been cleared */ public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o == this) { return true; } if(o instanceof MyWeakReference) { // This will prevent GC of the referrant after this line // Check ** at the bottom K k = get(); K k1 = ((MyWeakReference)o).get(); if(k != null &amp;&amp; k1 != null) { return k.equals(k1); //You can also do get() == ((WeakReference)o).get() if you think its fine } } return false; } }</k></pre> <br /> Thats it! Now lets examine why it works..It would be pretty obvious if you know how HashMaps work in the first place. This is "roughly" the sequence of operations in a HashMap#get(K k)<br /> <pre>int hashCode = k.hashCode(); // This would invoke MyWeakReference#hashCode() Entry<k v=""> e = getEntry(hashCode); if(e != null &amp;&amp; e.k.equals(k)) { // This invokes MyWeakReference#equals() return e.v; }</k></pre> There are some hash collision resolution and "null" key handling which is besides the point. In the above we need to first make sure the hashCode matches and then we override equals to match.<br /> <br /> Now hm.get(new WeakReference(k)) is functionally equivalent to hm.get(k) :) So everytime you want to access the map, you can wrap K in a new WeakReference instance and still retrieve V in O(1) [ amortized ofcourse ]<br /> <br /> Better patterns welcome!<br /> <br /> ** In the above we temporarily maintain a 'strong' reference to K in the equals() method, it could so happen that there is a GC cycle right then and garbage collection of K could be delayed further, if you are feeling lucky you can do<br /> <pre> if(get() != null &amp;&amp; o.get() != null) { return get().equals(o.get()) }</pre> <br /> But remember that there can be a GC between the if check and the return and the reference can be cleared making get() return null</div> Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-47564782839690154752010-03-04T12:27:00.000-08:002010-03-04T23:34:14.439-08:00Dates I wish never existedIn no particular order<div><br /></div><div>???</div><div>March 3rd 2010</div><div>March 1st 2010</div><div>Jan 8th 2010</div><div>July 12th 2009</div><div>Dec 20 2008</div><div>Oct 1st 2008</div><div><br /></div>Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-59170356785539874382009-05-28T11:48:00.000-07:002009-06-01T16:38:41.339-07:00Lost in SpaceHave you ever wondered what it is to be for someone to be lost in space..Imagine getting detached from the spaceship...and assume you have an indicator to show the oxygen level in ur tank..<br /><br />When you first realize there is a frantic struggle to somehow get back to the ship and you try all ur radio to SOS the ppl inside but soon you would realize that its inevitable that you are never gonna get back to the ship..<br /><br />You would start recollecting of all things that have ever been, may be you laugh a bit at some of the funny moments of life and may be you cry a bit when thinking of the things that you are gonna miss a F*ing lot..then you head starts spinning too much..after all you are trying to compress you entire life time into that oxygen level..<br /><br />I always went to sleep when my head starts spinning, considering it is the safest option as compared to alchohol/weed, driving around like mad with random music, walking alone kicking random things on the path. I would rather sleep just hoping the world to be magically a better place when i wake up and ofcourse it never is. But what that world changing sleep sometimes gives is clarity of thought. I atleast decide to take one of the roads at the fork than starring straight at it.<br /><br />The sleep in zero gravity might give you the thought to look back at the earth and the sun and moon and admire the endless beauty of the blue sphere, the fire ball and the silver blob. You again imagine all the gr8 things that make the earth special and you wish how you had gotten over this one petty fight and how all that doesnt matter now. All along your oxygen is depleting and you feel the first signs of the depleted tank.<br /><br />Fast-forward and you almost at the end of the tank, ideally you would want to just close your eyes and wait for the white light to appear. but iam not sure if that would be the case with everyone atleast with me. Dont know if I would frantically start running towards the earth hoping that miraculously i would clear the re-entry with just second degree burns and would be rescued in the pacific by a passing fishing boat. The same happens with mountaineers who die at super high elevations like the Mt. Everest, where people have been found to be shirtless in sub-zero tempertures not knowing what would help.<br /><br />That last stage is what can be truely helpless, you know there is nothing in the vastness of space and you frantically try to run towards this point which doesnt even have a hint of hope. Close your eyes and imagine this, you want to scream and run knowing that there is nothing there when even screams cant be heard in the vacuums of space and you breathe your last breath agaped in a sprinters pose.<br /><br />Well i always believed that I make my own destiny but you taught me that there can be something called helpless and believe me i well and truely understood this by now.<br /><br />Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com4tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-75195067358758123212009-04-06T21:17:00.000-07:002009-04-06T21:40:09.380-07:00Music in the CarI Unplugged Nirvana from the Pink Wall and its Echoes reverberated through the Black Metallic body of the car and it could be heard on the Dark Side of the Moon where Animals wait Reloading their Guns and Roses everyday 2 Minutes Before the Midnight plotting a Hybrid Theory to Kill em All who go to the Dream Theater, with its Discographic Deep Purple walls, to watch the Master of Puppets who had all the Maidens as his Powerslaves in his play titled the Division Bell.<br /><br />If you didnt get any of the above , Nevermind, ignorance is NirvanaRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-45306297341340295862009-03-22T20:56:00.000-07:002009-03-25T17:37:21.589-07:00ExpectationsThe biggest problem in my life seems to be this, Expectations. The whole thing about selfless, giving etc seems to be non existent. Every event in life seems to have an expectation. When I mean expectation it could something like your friend coming upto you and saying he/she got a great job after college and expecting you to react with more than a simple "Ohh..congrats" or expecting a simple hug after a gift than simple "Thanks". These seem to be almost instinctive that we don't even consider them expectations and it seems perfectly normal to 'expect' this. The whole problem comes in when there are varying level of expectations from the same event , among the people involved in the event. Imagine a similar case as above, when you rush to tell someone that you got the job you were looking for and in return the other person informs you matter of factly about theirs after a day or two that creates an imbalance in expectations inadvertently leading to some unrest.<br /><br />Life can be roughly termed as an series of events over time. A person is function of the way he appears and acts. Appearance is very slowly changing constant and hence can be ignored from this part. Actions are basically a function of a persons brain, which is essentially a huge network of neurons or a 'neural network'. Artificial Neural Network(ANN) were invented from a basic understanding of our brains so a reverse mapping should make sense. A neuron takes an event expects something from it and once the event has occurred compares the actual outcome of it with the expectation and adjusts itself based on that. Once the neuron has trained itself fairly well it expects outcomes to be closely aligned with the expected output with ultimate aim of making the 2 outcomes exact at any given time.<br /><br />A system of a neural network has the following components. The neurons initial state,the neurons weightage or importance to the overall system, the neurons internal function used to expect something given an event, the nuerons threshold value. A system can have a collection of such neurons with varying weightage in contributing to the overall state of the system.<br /><br />So if we assume each entity ( people,things..) of a persons life to correspond to a neuron then entities we think matter or you feel close to would form the 'heavier' neurons. Similarly the closer an entity is, higher the interactions are and greater would that neuron dominate the overall system's state. As any neural network the expectation of particular neuron performs starts at an initial state, this is the prejudice we seem to have towards an entity.<br /><br />Now when an expected outcome is not what actually happened the neuron would adjust itself. For a neuron with a long history the number of such events needed to drastically alter it is normally higher. This also seems to be true in reality where literally if we have a 'long history' with someone/thing we seem to be more patient in treating an event as an aberration or something thats needs an perception modification.<br /><br />A neuron also has a 'threshold' value which determines how much of a deviation from the expected value is needed before it alters itself. So higher is the threshold the more it is needed to be far away from expectations to warrant an alteration. Again here 'threshold' towards something/some action seems to be a natural word. Though a heavy neuron with needs a long chain of unexpected events its afterall like any other neuron and the system is never made of just one and its just a matter of time before it modifies itself and since the neuron in this period would have given totally erroneous outcomes its weightage would logically be reduced.<br /><br /><br /><br />The above system can/should be independent as we are all unique in our own way and we dont really have to form opinions based on anyone else's. This uniqueness seems to be valid unless there seems to be an perceptible difference in the way 2 people react to an event involving each other. If A and B react differently towards something involving C it seems to be perfectly normal but going back to the initial problem where there is a difference in the way A reacts to B and vice-versa there seems to be a major alteration in the system. The initial prejudice seem to delay the inevitable by setting a higher threshold but again in the end is just another neuron!<br /><br />Now if were to not expect anything high from anyone we would pretty much remain unaltered as a person and with much less turmoil of the mind from all the alterations. If you dont rush to tell anyone at all that you got a job but simply punch the air in your own bedroom and simply add an facebook update or a tweet about it, you avoid the whole issue of nueron alterations. So the key seems to be getting the function to be of the form of e = X.i where X = 1 seems to be an ideal goal and X = 0 would mean sainthood !<br /><br />PS - All the characters in this blog are real. Any reference to a person living or dead is purely intentionalRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com2tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-77411897847341033372007-10-17T22:08:00.000-07:002007-10-17T22:58:42.600-07:00Circle or a Line ???Yeah..Iam bak to active blogging...jus reliazed that i do hav work this semester and i cant jus fool around for long<br />to the point.this has been lingering for along time ever since i said this to Saani in the bar<br />We keep hearing from ppl that life is a circle...watz goes around comes around etc etc<br /><br />what if life is not a circle...to paraphrase myself from that drunk day "What if Life is not a cicle ?? What if life is jus a F ****d up straight line with random coincidences ??" consider this....the points never repeat in a circle until u come up to the point where u started..the same is the case with a line and just because we had this one point which repeated itself from history doesnt mean its a circle ...does it...it could have been jus a circle.. i mean logically unless u traverse the whole damn path again how can u conclude with a coupla points that it is indeed a circle<br /><br />well the max i can relent to is that it might hav loops in it that giv it a feeling of a circle..so why bother about the vicious circle of life when there is a long way ahead for u to explore...<br /><br />wat goes around may not alwayz come around..wat ever went around is out there somewhere exploring its own path...why shud we waste time on thinkin abt it....Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com2tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-72413987000476729022007-10-13T09:28:00.000-07:002017-08-17T18:05:58.088-07:00Why is Switch Statement faster than If else<div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on"> "Switch is faster than if else " You might have heard this lots of times and just accepted it. If you were like me and never bothered to check out why it was here is the answer<br /> <br /> A switch-case is not just a better representation of a If-Else on a single param, there is something slightly more to it. The "key" being the single param. That sentence is the answer. The param is the key to a binary search tree the compiler creates of all the cases in the switch and tries to compare the key with the corresponding value. The code is given below and basically rather sequentially trying to evaluate the conditionals it sorts the cases at compile time and arranges them in a binary search tree so comparisons can happen in O(Ln N) time when N is the number of cases so anything &gt;= 3 will give u a better average performance than a sequential evaluation.<br /> <br /> This is true for pretty much all languages and not just C/C++ also there are other techniques like creating an indexed jump table if the maximum value of case statement is small ex: case 10: vs case 132132434:. In this case the compiler can create table of size 10 with the address to jump to for each case value in the switch. <br /> <br /> I don't want to explain how the below assembly code maps to a binary search tree, which is pretty trivial once u see that 0 is the first pivot chosen and the comparison is made is twice with 0 and for greater than 0<br /> <br /> switch(i)<br /> {<br /> case 1: i = 12;break; <br /> case 0: i = 34; break;<br /> case 2: i = 45;break;<br /> case -1: i = 45;break;<br /> }<br /> Legend for ASM code!<br /> (%ebp) -&gt; i<br /> cmp -&gt; compare i with the number in that line<br /> je -&gt; jump if equal to<br /> jg -&gt; jump if greater than<br /> <br /> This is the assembly code that gcc creates<br /> cmpl $0, -28(%ebp)<br /> je L4<br /> cmpl $0, -28(%ebp)<br /> jg L7<br /> cmpl $-1, -28(%ebp)<br /> je L3<br /> jmp L2<br /> L7:<br /> cmpl $1, -28(%ebp)<br /> je L5<br /> cmpl $2, -28(%ebp)<br /> je L6<br /> jmp L2<br /> L5:<br /> movl $12, -12(%ebp)<br /> jmp L2<br /> L4:<br /> movl $34, -12(%ebp)<br /> jmp L2<br /> L6:<br /> movl $45, -12(%ebp)<br /> jmp L2<br /> L3:<br /> movl $45, -12(%ebp)<br /> <br /> Want to hack the future of connected cars <a href="http://www.automatic.com/team?sequence-points">http://www.automatic.com/team</a></div> Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com8tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-49628716518569552242007-10-13T09:03:00.001-07:002007-10-13T09:27:53.441-07:00Bak2BlogExactly 4 months since i blogged...did nothing happen in my life for me to blog about..not quite..there were a few things for which i wud have blogged a million times had it happened 3 years back n i had a blog bak then but now its jus like "Oh it happened ,Ok " iam eiher gettin mature or plain old ...without more crap...I finally landed in the US of A for my Masters! A aspiration which started 7 years back finally came gud..so here Iam in Rutgers University for my Masters in Comp Engg [ supposedly ]<br /><br />In the due course had to leave Moto though the fact I left Moto isn that a big deal it was hard getting out of my cubicle ,my beloved 007 cube in the corner of 6th floor was a touch too harder than I thought it would be... I hate to admit but i was almost in tears..called up subodh a few times to say bye and finally left home!<br /><br />Due to my amazing plannin skills it had to leave bangalore the next morning after i quit! and that part was quite something packin up 154 Micheal Palya was something never unheard off..shutting down the damned P-III machine was even more outrageous atleast bommai had packed off the "Server" [ P-III 1Ghz with 192MB RAM] and taken with him so that was once less thing to miss! .Retrospectively it was that server that I wrote my first code for my dream start-up hope my home directory is still there to be put up on th net when i do start it....Back to Blore..I packed my large wardrobe n my million other "accessories" and booked a cab for 5 next day..Next Morning Iam leaving Blore and Mr Cabman decides to come in IST [ 1Hr atleast late ] this when i told vandhu i will pick her up on the way ..we both wait till 6 for the 6.15 train n finally somehow manage to get to the station..and there it was...jus gone..Bangalore was history in that 15 min travel from Indiranagar to Cant!!!! Thanx to vandhu i dint quite miss blore till i landed in chennai<br /><br />Chennai dayz was the usual Iam leaving on a Jet plane thing..u meet ppl n say bye..will keep in touch and everyone,almost everyone will get back with this "Ohh New Jersey,,my daughters' husbands' brothers friend is there,I will giv his number make sure u call him up when u get there he is very helpful" amidst all this is when i reliazed tht iam totally totally not excited when i thought abt landing on the US..had the usual send off that i had been to so many times..quater took 2 dayz off to send me off from chennai..and thats quite expected of him to do..its me whoz leaving!!<br /><br />Gist of the story..Iam here in Rutgers bloggin n hopefullin gonna be bloggin frm here for another 2 yearsRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-58228226532936686712007-06-13T11:10:00.000-07:002007-06-13T11:13:16.609-07:00D D Day!!!took my visa date at last!! JULY 6th 2007 - 8:15am CHENNAI COUNSALATE!!!!!<br /><br />read the forms a coupla times dunno if its all filled!! neewayz done with the first step towards a major headache...need to remind myselves to pay the sevis fees!!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com1tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-89806591635751605902007-06-11T09:49:00.000-07:002007-06-11T11:15:45.845-07:00the sequential points of the last 2 weeks!Well not so gr8 weeks..but kinda eventfull<br /><br />1. ppl lookin for education loans...all the damn advertisement are there well jus to advertise!!<br /><br />in reality no wants to giv u a loan..all i wanted was a loan <= wat iam currently earning in a year...<br />assumin i screw up my MS and currently have a poor resume....even if i get back mid way to gud ol blore n get a job..i wud stil earn enough to repay the damn loan in coupla years or less!!<br />this was the clause from the bank<br />we cant assume u wll get an aid or find a campus job and the actual expenditure is the same as in ur I20 [ which btw had a ridiculous livin expenditure of 1500$ a year!! and had a tution fee equivalent to 24 credits!! ] so even if we giv u a loan of XX lacs u need to show the rest of the 36000* 3 == 108000 == 45lac..If I had f&*(kin 45 lacs i wud rather start my own venture here[ seriously!! ]<br /><br />2. i got a mini award in office for well a propeitry pieca java code that i managed to get workin in 10dayz...the demo as usual screwed up [not the code but the projector!! ] but in end coupons to the Taj was kinda ok...need to roll it out in its fullest in the comin weeks<br /><br />well that were pretty the major stuff for the week..chennai was as usual swelterin n met ppl i normally do!! lots more ppl in office by now know that iam leaving so manager i think wudnt be that surprised when iam gonna put my papers in coupla weeks!<br /><br />that ends the sequence..<br /><br />PS - I think i did kinda fnd out tht the one i really wanted isnt really the one i wanted!!!!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-90443339321990726012007-05-20T23:06:00.000-07:002007-05-21T02:14:47.234-07:00The Countdown!Jus put up a printout in my cube sayin 39 in font 100!..well its 39 more days for me to put in my papers... cant wait to see how it feels and how much it ripples in my team! May be it wudnt feel anythin or wudnt cause anythin within the office [ think not ] but still its kinda thrilling to stop workin n goin back to skool!!<br /><br />on the contrary it really scares the shit out if iam gonna think it wont be having all this money in hand every month to spend..me back to 10bucks per day..geez!!!!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-49225863191932962522007-03-04T10:29:00.000-08:002007-03-04T10:38:13.404-08:00Weekend of the year!!It was a nice weekend to put it bluntly...<br /><br />1. Got my first admit,well from University of Maryland [ Baltimore County ] not College Park as in my dreams...well not a Ivy League or one of thse sought after univs.but heard its a good school with big campin from MSN n Lockheed!!...the best part was I was talkin to bugs on gtalk..n this was d sequcen of events<br /><br />Bugs: Dei..any admits so far<br />Me: Nothin man..think i will never get one.<br />Me: I jus want one to atleast say that even i got a admit but dint go there<br />Bugs: don worry dude u wll get one<br /><br />----------------------------------------<br />GTalk Pop up: You have a new mail |<br /> Marie Tyler: Application Status |<br /> Congratulations!!! you.... |<br />----------------------------------------<br /><br />I was like wat shit!!!thatz not my mail...n i open it to find my first admit!!!!<br /><br />thank bugs for being my angel so on n forth<br /><br />2. My plugin with which i must have bugged all my friends got published in Mozilla!!!<br />Yes.the Orkut Scrapbook Search 1.0 is now a official Mozilla Firefox Plugin<br /><a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4335/">https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/4335/</a><br /><br />I keep browsing abt UMBC and other Univs I apped n this mail abt the plugin being approved pops up...<br /><br />3. Dint write a line of code at home neither i entered office!!!<br /><br />It was a nice weekend after allRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com4tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1165821247325025642006-12-10T22:40:00.000-08:002006-12-10T23:14:07.336-08:00Passing CloudsI was lying on my back gazing at the voids of the clear night sky...time was sauntering past me and there was an almost eerie serenity....Moments when Iam alone with jus I,me n myself are quite rare so was jus hanging in there hopin it to last forever..all d persuading I tried with my roomie abt being wid a crowd all d time seemed totally meaningless.... i was the center of d universe and the world spread around me..i was the focus where all the light and darkness converged to form me..I was the center of gravity which balanced evrythin..d balck hole wher evrythin in d galaxy seemed to fall into...clasp!!!!! <br /><br />I wake up frm d trance..Its the usual blore weather playin tunes to some rock show..fall back to d center...clasp! roar! this seemed like a warning rather than a tune....Iam fully awake now waiting to see wat happens next...a glint in d corner..the greatest van de graph ever generated jus flaunted a bit...unmoved still waiting...more serious warnings this time around with a 'bond'..a bond of hydrogen n oxygen in d ratio of 2:1....<br /><br />Not wantin to move frm that spot and hopin to go back to trance i was jus hoping that this was a passing cloud..that one minuter which u dont when the next one comes...which sometimes gives that evanescent moment of bliss of being soaked up with somethin...the one that means no harm...jus wanting to remind u off the rain...'the one that is used to describe a fleeting relationship'<br /><br />But this one was not it soon grew into a thunderstorm..I suddenly find myself in a teacup with a storm around me..the cup is fillin up fast soakin me thoroughly and all that is left of me above the water is my head strugglin to breathe...thats when the bolt arrives...I can see it comin and its painfully slow for a change starting with my forehead and spreading to my toes even this moment seems forever its a matter of about 3 mntes and Iam in a oxymoron of trances..I start to fall below the bottom of the cup its an abyss longer than the one ed harris went thru...there is no blue light here and ther are no pockets of air created by aliens for me to breathe...I was waving back to the world that was once centered around me...I shud have seen the center being shifted to the storm before the bolt..<br /><br />I shud have gone bak to my haven when i head the clasp..shud have scrammed back when the first drop of rain fell..now it was too late..Iam jus fallin with all the memories doin a hyper fast slide show...Iam never going to resurface...hope its all over and there are no nasty surprises at the bottom<br /><br />Ciao!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com3tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1165351371910312732006-12-05T12:08:00.000-08:002006-12-05T13:11:05.680-08:00Killing the killer App.. RIP MMS!!This I think definetely qualifies as digging one's own grave...yes the blog is about how the much hyped MMS will be a thing of the past in the not so distant future....<br /><br />For ppl who know only ths much about abt MMS that it played some part in DPSlike video here is some inside information...<br />MMS is a protocol to transfer multimedia content across devices mainly mobile phones it can be either created as a presentation or as a assorted package of various multimedia content..<br />the xml based SMIL language is used to define the presentation attributes like slide timings..transtitions...content and layoutting of each slide etc etc..a small example below<br /><br /><textarea style="width: 400px; height: 200px" rows="6"><smil><heaad><root-layout height="200px" width="200px"><layout><region id="r1" top="0px" width="100px" height="100px"><region id="r2" top="100px" height="100px" width="100px"></heaad><boody><par dur="10s" id="slide1"><image src="image.jpg" region="r1"><text src="Hi.txt" region="r2"><par dur="10s" id="slide2"> <image src="image2.jpg" region="r1"><text src="Bye.txt" region="r2"> </par></boody></smil></textarea><br /><br /><br />If u dont understand it..jus forget it..from the words in it u can see that it defines watz the screen size and where the image and text shud be shown on screen and what shud be the first slide what shud be the second slide..and wat shud be the timing of each slide...Here the image and the text parts along with the above smil document comes as a single multipart file.Ho Ho think we are getting to much into it...breakin frm it<br /><br />think the words slides and slide timing shud ring bells in most ppls mind that it is similar to the ubiquitous MS Powerpoint..the only way is it differs frm MS powerpoint is that this a standardised way of creating/sending and most importantly sharing presentations in mobile phones..fast forward 2yrs<br /><br />HSDPA [ High Sped Downlink Packet Access ] or basically phones with a very very fast network data speed becomes the norm in even countries like India. [ Currently UMTS networks hav speeds upto a few MbPS and this would have grown to a few 10s ]...Windows CE has become synomous with Mobile device OSs like present day desktops and offers seemless access to PC and your device...All major brands like Apple has come up with mobile devices [ Note- They are no longer mobile phones ] and the most important thing has happened....Office applications start to get standardised or even just a light weight MS Office is released for Phones...Even this may not be needed as there is an alreayd freely available Open Office frm Sun and similar products from other vendors...Even worse Google comes up with a office suite for Mobile devices!!!<br /><br />Now the last para would put a pail in the MMS coffin as email on phones is already in and instead of painstakingly creating a MMS..the user would simply create a ppt and send it across as a email to the phones and email address as well..the crucial point over here is that though currently MMS allows sending content to email adresses it can never replace the email in the internet whereas the email can so easily widen its range into MMS with no or minor adaptations...the non presentation form of MMS mentioned in the beginning is nothin but a email with assorted inline media content...from the protocol perspective MMS is just a small application like the browser over the basic HTTP post/get...This means a light weight Mozilla Firefox which can read SMIL can be an MMS Viewer/Player<br /><br />I hope when the day comes I have learnt somethin else to earn my breadRamhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1164526767948237712006-11-25T22:38:00.000-08:002006-11-25T23:39:28.023-08:00Celebrate Girl Child's birth day, a Message distortedHmmm forgot that I had a blog....<br /><br />Saw ths new Ad in TV last nite and really wanted to blog on that..<br />it starts wid someone coming out of a room and tellin a coupla anxious looking ladies 'ladiki hui hai' - 'Its a gal' [The ad is in hindi to reach india ] the message gets passed on in wat seems like a old bunglow with a million rooms...what i never noticed was message gets passed on only between ladies and no one ever seemed to move out of the house to inform other ppl...the ad then ends with a little gal running around telling ppl lakdi hui hai and finally barges into a room excitedly...<br />this is where the really message comes in...there is madame[ rfer wiki for d meaning] who nods at the little gal to say she knows and tells 'ladiki hui hai' then gives money to someone nearby saying 'mittai kilale' [ sweets for evryone ] and the tags line goes <span style="font-weight:bold;">'who says the birth of a girl child is not celebrated'</span><br /><br />i google and find that today the 26th of Nov is a day to celebrate a girl childs birth and this message is being spread for that...<br /><br />is this a message..did someone miss somethin blatant here or its jus me getting the message wrong why would a brothel be shown anywhere close to an ad supposedly for the upliftment of woman,celebreating womanhood blah blahblahblah blah...Iam no suffragist but this ad jus took me back n woke me up from a peevish sat evening..<br />I dont think there is ths inheritant dislike of a girl child with any civilised person in india who is economically sound enough to get a TV at home..yes there are instances where still there is cases of infant killings in some remote desolate parts of india that is barely inhabited..but ths message is never gonna reach em.... to put it in a s/w perspective this would like microsoft celebrating when someone remarks that Vista looks like OS X.. there was a series in the media abt how NGOs are plush wid funds and are more like some upclass party societies..whether that is true or not there sure seem to be some which are anythin but plush wid senses....<br /><br />Come lets celebrate a girl child's birth!!!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1162723282200420902006-11-05T01:53:00.000-08:002006-11-07T08:34:00.206-08:00World Boredom Day - Nov 4th!!!Thats exactly wat i thought when i came home today morning frm GNR's place..the thought of awaking to yet another boring day was kinda killin me...yeah it does seem better today...<br /><br />November 4th 2006 this was perhaps the single most boring day in my recorded life..home alone in blore ..rain all day... bull shit TV programs...no mood to write my SOP or read...on top one really fun activity i picked of late,interviewing in office, gets cancelled!!! <br />I think I should really blame it on Nov 4th rather than anythin else..couldnt find absoluetely anythin important about that day in google and when the most happening of backbenchrocker [ thats wat me n my close pals called ourselves back in college ] <a href="http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=8225367661832503101">Sanath</a> [ hez happening enough to b goin around wid atleast half a dozen gals ] buzzes me today morning in Yahoo! and says the exact same line 'this is d most boring weekends' It really got confirmed that November must be like the World Boredom Day or somethin..we have dayz now for everythin frm valentines to clean d house day to cut ur hair short dayz..so y not have one to celebrate boredom!<br /><br />If u look at it jus because we do get bored every now n then we actually say now n then that 'I really had fun!' otherwise fun would be like a mundane way of life..yeah I know this is a really cliched premise that the light is seen as light jus because we hav darkness or watever..but i think this is more pronounced incase of boredom.<br /><br />Thought of this 10 things to do when u r closed to being bored to death!<br /><br />1. Get ppl on Yahoo n GTalk n stuff like to talk abt being bored...ask them to contribute to 10 things to do when u r bored!<br />2. Start making anonymous calls to all d ppl u hate and hav a blast!<br />3. Start downloads songs on P2P and watch them being downloaded<br />4. If u r really bored and u r used to watchin them being downloaded..start a movie download for above<br />5. Refresh ur orkut page and keep refreshing all profiles in ur friends list to see if any of them are getting scrapped..See if they reply to that n there u have one bakra for u to now scrap!<br />6. Start a walk in lalbagh or cubbon park n start conversations wid random ppl...<br />7. Download a image wid lotsa sheeps in it n start counting them..when u r donw count again to confirmur answer<br />8. Start scrapping in one those really long community threads like date or date for d above person...smooch or slap...wat do u think of d person above u...<br />9. Write a blog on wat to do when u r bored<br />10.Read the blog through over n over!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com4tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1162479594082913912006-11-02T05:41:00.000-08:002006-11-02T13:00:26.360-08:00Welcome BengaloooorrruuuuuYeah d ever so cool soundin bangalore is no more!!! its bengalooru now...<br />I totally fail to understand the significance of d renaming bandwagon....ofcourse mumbai started it all followed by Chennai and kolkotha..karnatak took the patriotism of their language to a new level by renaming somethin like 5 cities...well coupla em are small time towns!!! God save ths country frm our gr8 politicians<br /><br />for some serious thoughts I would like ppl in bangalore to know about CTC [ Comprehensive Trauma Consortium ] the link is given in my site under I support!. This is an NGO thats deals with trauma cases in road accidents,which simply means if you find someone on d road hit by a vehicle before crowdin him n killin him for lack of oxygen jus try to call 1062 [ toll free!! ]..and a CTC ambulance equipped wid a first aid will arrive within 10 mins.. All my frnds please note and do help me when iam eventually gonna crash<br /><br />ofcourse i cant stop rattlin abt OSS [ orkut scrapbook searcher ]..hav added a help button thanx to <a href="http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=9013367853781733537">Saurabh </a>which exaplains the options in a new window and ofcourse corrected some bugs thanx mainly to <a href="http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=4616516533163839304">sridhar </a> searchin thru his sweetheart's page<br /><br />Stay Beautiful!!!!!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com0tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-30908045.post-1162391451435898982006-11-01T06:18:00.000-08:002006-11-01T08:38:45.483-08:00Scrapbook Searcher in 1st Page of GoogleThanx for all the hits..<a href="http://sequence-points.blogspot.com/2006/10/orkut-scrapbook-search-10.html">Scrapbook Searcher</a> makes it to the first page of google!!!!<br /><br />[!! I had uploaded the wrong script in the server for sometime in the middle..if u face some issues pleae reinstall the same!! ]<br /><br />Never imagined my first ever javascript will actually make it to the firt page of google that too with a generic search request..<br /><br /><a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="http://static.flickr.com/104/285758682_d116f197e7.jpg?v=0"><img style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 320px;" src="http://static.flickr.com/104/285758682_d116f197e7.jpg?v=0" border="0" alt="" /></a><br /><br />Iam really sorry if iam talkin too much abt scrapbook searcher here...being on google and having a 100 hits in 3 dayz ..well lemme b excited!!! <br />otherwise it has been a really boring day with nothin really happening at all..i actually thought abt it nothin really happened had my lunch watched friends orkutted and thats it!! Oh my gawd iam losing myself and i do need to get wasted ths weekend<br /><br />hope somethin happens for dinner atleast!Ramhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/04350217161967301560noreply@blogger.com2